Changing the Conversation: Empowering Women In Business

Originally posted May 3rd, 2016

We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate our 43rd anniversary as CFW Careers (originally Careers for Women) last week then by hosting our second event in the Changing the Conversation: Empowering Women in Business series. Set in the spacious and sunlit office of eMarketer, a leading market research and industry insights firm, over 60 women of all ages and industries joined us for the breakfast event.

Our guests networked with one another before finding their seats, and our president, Cynnie King, introduced the room to Lisa Church, President of eMarketer, and our moderator, Rabia de Lande Long, Executive Coach Management Consultant at Chartwell Advisors, Inc. Our panelists, four leaders in their respective industries, spoke to us on everything from the meaning of confidence and the importance of change to advice on hiring and career growth. Our audience engaged, asked questions, and tweeted their thoughts and takeaways. (Those who asked questions took home Starbucks gift cards!).

In case you missed it…

Sherry Adams, VP Account Management, eMarketer:

  • On being a working parent: “Choose not to feel guilty. I am providing a role model for my daughter. She will be able to see how much I love my work.”

  • “You are what you talk about; you become what you think about"

Jill Barzilay, US Business Lead, Global Marketing Solutions, Facebook:

  • “Be careful that hiring for culture isn’t the same as hiring people like you. Diversity of thought and experience is important.”

  • “Everyone experiences impostor syndrome. Overcoming it is about having confidence in yourself and figuring it out as you go.”

Aisling McDonagh, RVP East Coast Sales, Sharethrough:

  • “Be open to change. Flex your change muscle! Beautiful things happen when you do.”

  • “Never take ‘No’ for an answer.”

Marcela Tabares, SVP Revenue Research, A+E Networks:

  • “Change is about being adaptable. Lean into your strengths and trust that there’s value in that.”

  • “Work smart, not hard.”

Our panelists and Rabia offered a grab-bag of tips and suggested reads throughout the event as well!

Suggestions from our panelists:

  • Read What I Told My Daughter, by Nina Tassler

  • Watch TEDTalks (specifically be sure to watch Amy Cuddy’s “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are”)

  • If you know you need help in a certain area (e.g., negotiation), don't hesitate to ask for help. Hire an expert!

Some of the feedback we’ve heard from attendees…

I really enjoyed the event yesterday. It was a nice pep talk for me to get serious again about finding my next job. I definitely need to work on flexing my "change muscle," as Aisling called it.

Probably the best event I have been to, ever! Thank you for organizing!!!

My goodness, I do really feel like I need to process the discussion from this morning. What an inspiring way to start the day!


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