Changing the Conversation, Panelist Introduction: Lori Blinder Barr

Originally posted on August 25th, 2016

As we gear up for our semi-annual women’s panel, Changing the Conversation: Empowering Women in Business (check out recaps of our events from last October and this April), we wanted to introduce you to one of our panelists: Lori Blinder Barr, Director of Buyer Platforms, Tremor Video.

We asked Lori to share with us a little more about herself and her career. Below are her responses:

Describe a challenge that you’ve overcome in your career.

In 2012 I was at a crossroads in my career. I loved the publishing company I was working for and the people, but knew I wanted to be an expert in digital media and ad tech. Making the leap into the digital tech space was scary, but I was willing to do whatever it took to make the transition. After taking a substantial pay cut, I moved to a small UGC (user generated content) SaaS (software as a service) platform, where I was able to dig in and learn the ropes. It was a risk that was well worth taking. Currently, I am at Tremor Video managing a team of successful sellers.

What is a piece of advice that you wish you could give your former self?

No one is perfect. Every senior executive I know has made a misstep in his/her career. Mistakes don't define you—what’s important is how you handle them. If you can dust yourself off, move forward and learn from them, you are already on the road to success.

What are you currently reading/watching/listening to?

Reading: The Bronze Horseman Trilogy (on the 3rd book).

Watching: "Parenthood" on Netflix, "So You Think You Can Dance" and "America's Got Talent". My absolute favorite TV show is "Game of Thrones".

Listening to: I'm currently addicted to the Hamilton Soundtrack.

To learn more about Lori and our other panelists, don’t miss our event! See below for details, and click here to register.

Changing the Conversation: Empowering Women in Business

Thursday, September 8th


eMarketer (11 Times Square)


Changing the Conversation, Panelist Introduction: Liz Elting