DEI, Changing the conversation, Hiring Rachel Fagnant-Fassler DEI, Changing the conversation, Hiring Rachel Fagnant-Fassler

CFW Careers Best Practices: Hiring Toward Diversity & Inclusion

A critical component of building diverse and inclusive organizations is around recruiting and hiring, and it often presents one of the greatest challenges. “How can we build a more diverse candidate pool?” “How can we diminish drop off through the hiring process?” and, ultimately, “How can we improve our retention statistics?” The implications are significant, not only relevant to fulfilling a corporate commitment, but fundamentally impacting long-term employer brand.

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Changing the conversation, DEI Rachel Fagnant-Fassler Changing the conversation, DEI Rachel Fagnant-Fassler

Changing the Conversation, Panelist Introduction: Lori Blinder Barr

As we gear up for our semi-annual women’s panel, Changing the Conversation: Empowering Women in Business (check out recaps of our events from last October and this April), we wanted to introduce you to one of our panelists: Lori Blinder Barr, Director of Buyer Platforms, Tremor Video.

We asked Lori to share with us a little more about herself and her career. Below are her responses:

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DEI, Changing the conversation, Clients, Events Rachel Fagnant-Fassler DEI, Changing the conversation, Clients, Events Rachel Fagnant-Fassler

3 Key Steps Towards Equality In The Workplace

With our roots firmly planted in promoting women in business (“CFW” stands for our original company name, “Careers for Women”), CFW has been dedicated to the mission of creating an equal workforce for over 40 years (43, to be exact!). After hosting our event, Changing the Conversation: Women in Leadership, last month, CFW Careers President, Cynnie King, reflected, “the hiring and promotion process for advancing women into higher level positions needs to be intentional.” We’re certainly not alone in our attention to this topic.

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