Industry Insights Rachel Fagnant-Fassler Industry Insights Rachel Fagnant-Fassler

Managing (not just the people kind) is core to Success in Revenue Operations

With a strong foundation in Sales and Account Management spanning eight years, Mariya's pivot into Sales Operations and then Business Operations aligned with her passion for process refinement, scalability, and innovation. Her sales background uniquely positions her to support revenue teams, armed with a comprehensive business perspective and a sharp focus on the bottom line. Today, Mariya is the Head of Business Operations at PebblePost, the leading marketing technology platform for the Programmatic Direct Mail channel. We asked her to share some of her thoughts on what makes someone a successful Revenue Operations leader, a role that is increasingly in demand.

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Career Advice, Career Coaching, Industry Insights Rachel Fagnant-Fassler Career Advice, Career Coaching, Industry Insights Rachel Fagnant-Fassler

It's no longer optional. All leaders need to be data literate.

We met Mitchel Roling through our extended recruiting engagement with eMarketer (now Insider Intelligence) and saw the significant contributions Mitchel made to that fast-scaling organization through his data fluency. Mitchel gained skills and experience that he was ultimately able to build into his own consultancy, My Dataist (hyperlink). Today he’s advising a host of clients around their data needs— and, of course, he’s our trusted go-to for anything data-related. With the power of data and analytics top of mind, we thought it timely to have Mitchel weigh in on the topic.

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Career Advice, Career Coaching, Industry Insights Rachel Fagnant-Fassler Career Advice, Career Coaching, Industry Insights Rachel Fagnant-Fassler

5 Key Learnings for Rising Leaders: CFW Spotlight on Kim Morgan, Global Head of Sales at K3

We met Kimberly Morgan a few years ago, as she was transitioning to a new sales leadership role. Her infectious energy, realistic optimism, and tireless drive instantly impressed all of us at CFW. She became a fast friend of the firm–a sounding board if we had industry questions, an example of an inspiring leader when we’d talk about great sales managers, and ultimately, an exceptional hiring manager when we’d send her sales candidates. Kim launched her career in advertising and grew to leadership in the AdTech space.

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Hiring, Industry Insights Rachel Fagnant-Fassler Hiring, Industry Insights Rachel Fagnant-Fassler

CFW Guest Post: Melissa Hatter The Evolution of Customer Success

Melissa Hatter has been building and leading Customer Success and Account Management Teams for the past 20+ years. Based in NYC, she currently leads the Enterprise Customer Success Team at Stripe. Before Stripe, she held leadership roles in account management, customer success, and operations at large companies such as NBC and small and medium-tech start-ups. Prior role include Head of Customer Success at Leaf, VP of Customer Success at Emissary, and Head of Customer Success and COO at Frankly Media (now Engine Media).

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Hiring, Industry Insights Rachel Fagnant-Fassler Hiring, Industry Insights Rachel Fagnant-Fassler

Conversations with the Experts: Interview with Rebecca Schuette, VP Marketing, KUDO

Our conversation with Rebecca touches on: data that bring together the different departments and the ‘why’ behind the numbers, the challenge of story-telling in the feature-led world of SaaS, and how to assess marketing leadership talent in the interview process. Read on for our conversation!

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Industry Insights, AdTech, Digital Media, Sales Careers Rachel Fagnant-Fassler Industry Insights, AdTech, Digital Media, Sales Careers Rachel Fagnant-Fassler

Craft Beer and Conversation: Spotlight on AdTech

Last week we took a closer look at where the AdTech industry is headed, and how to navigate your career if you’re positioning yourself in that industry. With the help of Justin Wagner, Principal Account Executive at AdRoll, an intimate group of career minded individuals at all levels of their careers gathered for our small spotlight discussion. Our very own Eugenia Neri Mini moderated the informative, casual conversation, which spanned a range of topics including competition, challenging conversations, and what to look for in your interviews.

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Career Advice, Industry Insights, Events Rachel Fagnant-Fassler Career Advice, Industry Insights, Events Rachel Fagnant-Fassler

Craft Beer and Conversation:

How to navigate your sales career in today’s ever-changing media landscape? We recently took on the topic in an evening of craft beer and conversation with sales leader, John DiLeo, VP of Sales and Marketing at DNAinfo, attended by over 30 individuals at all levels of their careers. Our very own Eugenia Neri Mini moderated a lively discussion with John in which he challenged the audience to consider a range of issues (including their greatest personal achievements and what comes to mind when they think of “sales people”) and offered advice, personal experiences, and suggestions for how to close a difficult sale.

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Industry Insights Rachel Fagnant-Fassler Industry Insights Rachel Fagnant-Fassler

A Night of Wine and Conversation: Spotlight on Digital Trends

Last month we hosted our first industry-specific wine tasting, in an effort to facilitate discussion around industry trends important to our candidates and clients. Surrounded by an intimate group of individuals with various levels of experience in the industry, our guest Brendan Spain, US Commercial Director at the Financial Times, shared some insight on the ever-changing digital media landscape, what it’s like to work at The FT, and most importantly, his preferred East Coast skiing destination

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