DEI, Changing the conversation, Hiring Rachel Fagnant-Fassler DEI, Changing the conversation, Hiring Rachel Fagnant-Fassler

CFW Careers Best Practices: Hiring Toward Diversity & Inclusion

A critical component of building diverse and inclusive organizations is around recruiting and hiring, and it often presents one of the greatest challenges. “How can we build a more diverse candidate pool?” “How can we diminish drop off through the hiring process?” and, ultimately, “How can we improve our retention statistics?” The implications are significant, not only relevant to fulfilling a corporate commitment, but fundamentally impacting long-term employer brand.

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Hiring, Leadership Rachel Fagnant-Fassler Hiring, Leadership Rachel Fagnant-Fassler

The Makings of a Successful Sales Organization: A conversation with Jon Hume

Our team at CFW has spent 47- years working with sales leaders across industries. In a world where everything is uncertain, one thing has remained constant: sales organizations change rapidly, and that change is accelerated by sales technology. In our most recent conversation with Jonathan Hume, a Business Development Advisor who has spent the last 15+ years in sales leadership, we discuss what it takes to set up the structure, launch, grow, and support a successful sales organization.

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Changing the Conversation, Events Rachel Fagnant-Fassler Changing the Conversation, Events Rachel Fagnant-Fassler

Panelist Interview: Alexa Scordato, Stack Overflow

In anticipation of our April 20th Changing the Conversation event (buy your ticket now!), we interviewed each of our panelists, asking them to describe a challenge they've overcome, share a piece of advice, and talk to us about their passion for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We will share these interviews with you leading up to our event, and are excited to start by introducing you to Alexa Scordato, VP of Marketing at Stack Overflow:

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